Join our 24/7 gym in Clio, MI

We understand that everyone is different. The perfect workout time for one might be the worst time for another. That's why we're committed to providing 24/7 gym access to our Clio, MI community. Become a member of Clio Fitness 24/7 and work out at whatever time best suits your schedule.

Don't let odd hours keep you from meeting your fitness goals. Sign up for our gym membership today.

Your fitness journey starts here

Whether you work unconventional hours or prefer hitting the gym before the sun comes up, you'll like Clio Fitness 24/7. Our 24/7 gym in Clio, MI carries the exercise equipment you need, including...

Smith machines

Stair steppers




We also have free weights ranging from 5 to 120 lbs. Whatever you need to get in the perfect workout, you're sure to find it here.

Apply for a gym membership to get 24-hour access to our facility. We look forward to seeing you.